Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday Fail

Well ... so much for my goal of not eating my face off because I'm going on vacation! Yesterday did not go well - I didn't even get a workout in. And I don't know if it was the processed food, travel anxiety or the fact that Frank had to get up super early to go to work, but I feel like I didn't sleep at all. So far, however, I'm resisting being bad. I had a protein bar and some grapes for breakfast and I'm planning on a trip to Subway for lunch. Tonight is Beer & Scrabble, so I'm going to try to eat a healthy dinner and skip the snacks so that I can have a delicious Hurricane Kitty (or two)!


  1. Good job being back on track today! You just gotta keep your head down and plow through the rest of the day... put on some blinders so you won't have any temptations! :)

  2. Thanks, Carolyn -- I like all the horse analogies!
