Sunday, March 21, 2010

Busy Sunday

Today was a perfect example of the phrase “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” I knew that it was going to be kind of a weird eating day, but I had no plan and therefore I wound up eating poorly.

Frank had to work from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and we had a confirmation/birthday party to attend at 3:30 pm. Since Frank works 50 miles from home and the party was only 5 minutes from Frank’s work, I decided that I would just get up with Frank in the morning and drive him in to work so that I could take his car for the day to run errands in the area and then pick him up and go to the party. Instead of preparing a healthy breakfast and lunch to bring along, I slept in and left the house without any food – not even a healthy snack!

After I dropped Frank off, I headed over to Panera to get something for breakfast and to do some work on my novel – as you can see from below, at least I made a good dent in that goal! I wound up having a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese and a coffee – not terrible, but I’m sure I could have done much better. I wrote until noon, at which point I did a little shopping and then decided to head over to a local park for a walk. At least I was able to get some exercise in, despite the non-routine day. Frank and I used to live near this particular park, so as I was walking the loop, I was thinking with dismay about how I used to go for runs in the very same area, back in my skinny days.

Apparently after that I had worked up an appetite, so I stopped and got a Southwest salad at McDonald’s – again, not terrible, but really, eating out twice in one day? I could have done a lot better.

I headed over to pick up Frank only to find out that he’ll have to work until 6:15, so I head to the family party myself. I walked straight in the door and into a glass of wine and some appetizers – at least I tried to munch on some raw veggies. Sadly, a scoop of ziti, two meatballs, a piece of bread, salad, two more glasses of wine and a piece of Happy Confirmation cake later and I think we can officially call the day a failure. At least I got to enjoy the company of some family members that I hadn’t seen in a while.

I don’t think the weigh-in’s going to go great tomorrow, since I’ve been up a little bit to begin with. But hey, look at how many words I wrote! I’m completely dragging my feet finishing up part two, I think partially because I’m scared of having to sit down and map out what I want to happen in the third and final part. I’ve been coming up with some more sketchy ideas, but I need to focus on where I want the plot to finish up. This is where exercise and writing really do go together, because I have a feeling I’m going to have to take a really long hike to figure out the plot layout. Hiking is definitely when I do my best thinking. I spent a lot of last November hiking with a scrap of paper and a pen in my back pocket and stopping periodically to lean against a tree and jot down some notes. I’m looking forward to it.

Calories Consumed: God only knows
Calories Burned: 250
Words Written: 1620

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