Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sorry about the cliff-hanger last night! The good news is that I’m doing fine. The bad news is that I guess I now have to tell the story on my blog, huh? I am going to warn you that this may be a case of too much information for some people and it’s definitely not for the squeamish!

Frank and I had a great time at his birthday dinner. I wound up using it as my cheat meal and I really made it count – we went soup to nuts at his favorite restaurant and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We also split a bottle of wine, so by the time we got home we were feeling pretty happy, so I’m sure you can imagine where the night was leading for two consenting adults. We’re going along when all of a sudden I feel something wet. I check around a little and then tell Frank to turn on the light. Instant carnage! My hand was covered in blood and blood was pouring onto the carpet. I panicked, started screaming and ran to stand in the shower. It’s good to know that even faced with unexpected hemorrhaging, I thought to make as little mess as possible. Why can’t most men apply this to their every day lives? But I digress.

I was having a “does not compute” moment – which was shared with Frank, I believe, as we both stood in silence for a full minute or two staring at the blood and trying to figure out what was going on. It was actually really confusing. I wasn’t in any pain … for a moment I thought I might be having some kind of surprise miscarriage, but I remembered that I’d just finished my period. Finally the bleeding slows down a little and I was able to turn on the shower and rinse everything off. After that I had to lie down for a little while because I still felt lightheaded and nauseated over seeing all the blood. By this point the bleeding had slowed down and we determined that it was caused by a laceration – actually, two lacerations, as I would find out today at the gynecologist.

Luckily, I didn’t need stitches and the doctor even gave me the okay to keep up with my exercise. My only order was no "fun time" for at least a week. I don't think that will be a problem – I’m pretty certain Frank is scarred for life over all of this!

Since I didn’t get in to the doctor until mid-day, I wound up staying home from work. I got in a good workout while watching The Biggest Loser on the DVR and my eating was great, especially considering I was home all day. I didn’t make any progress on my writing, but I am just about re-oriented with the novel, so I’m hoping to add to that word count starting tomorrow.

Calories Consumed: 1292
Calories Burned: 679
Words Written: 0


  1. Glad you are ok! You had me worried this morning! That is SO stinky though. :( Bad way to end such a wonderful and enjoyable evening!
    Great great GREAT job today by the way! Keep it up girl and you'll be at your goal in no time!

  2. Wow look at the calorie burn! Woot!

    So wait, when you were in the shower, were you trying to apply pressure in any way? Or were you just going to let yourself bleed out? LOL!

  3. Heather, we're getting used to ending our evenings that way, sadly! I don't know if you remember, but on Valentine's Day after our nice sushi dinner we came home to find that Midge had had diarrhea all over the place. Every time we try to have a romantic evening, it always ends with one of us having to clean the carpet!

    Thank you, Carolyn! I was on the treadmill for an hour and twenty minutes watching The Biggest Loser. And no, I wasn't applying any pressure, just standing there in shock and eventually it clotted up itself. Putting pressure on it probably would have been a good idea though, huh?
