Friday, March 12, 2010

Week's End

On my lunch break today I went for a walk with Judy again. I mapped our walking route yesterday and it's nearly three miles! It's great to get a workout in during the day so that when I got home I could just relax - it's been a long week.

I'm proud to say that even though we have a ridiculous amount of cake in the house -- some from Frank's birthday party and some that he decided to bring home from a party they had at work -- I've resisted it completely. Which is a great accomplishment, considering my undying love for frosting! Hopefully this trend will continue through the weekend.

Today I printed out the 92 page draft of my novel. I think that part of my problem was that it was so much to sit and read on a screen, so having the paper copy will really help. When I saw how thick it was, it actually made me really proud that I wrote so much and even more determined to finish what I started. Who knows, if I work really hard this weekend, I might even still make my goal of 5,000 words written for this week. Although honestly, I'll be happy if I just get the thing read!

Calories Consumed: 1355
Calories Burned: 436
Words Written: 0

1 comment:

  1. Wow, good job resisting the cake! Stay strong! : ) And DANG, 92 pages? You go girl! lol
