Monday, April 12, 2010

My Big Comeback

Or, Vicky finally gets her head out of the cookie jar and starts working towards her goals again!

As you can see, I failed to meet my goals on the week before vacation. Vacation itself wasn't so bad. Although I did indulge in some delicious food, with the sheer amount of walking that I did in Barcelona and Paris I'm sure that I burned more calories that I consumed. The week since I've been back, however, is a different story. A weekend of getting over jet lag and enjoying a decadent Easter dinner -- complete with splitting a bottle of Prosecco with Frank and two desserts -- turned into a whole week of gastronomical debauchery. I am ready to start blogging regularly again and to start working toward my health and writing goals.

I'm setting a couple of goals:

1. To lose 20 pounds by my birthday.
2. To be finished with the rough draft of my novel by my birthday.

The first goal is totally doable, as long as I stick to my guns. The second might take a little luck, but at this point, I've procrastinated enough and I need to push hard to finish.

Short term goals for this week:

1. Exercise for at least a half an hour every day.
2. No sitting down from when I get home from work until 6 PM.
3. Write at least 250 words every day.

I think my biggest challenge is going to be managing my time better. I always feel like I don't have time to accomplish the things I want to do, when in reality I waste a lot of time surfing the internet or watching television. Those things are going to have to take the back burner because, let's face it -- I'm not passionate about them, and they keep me from achieving the goals that I am passionate about - living a healthy lifestyle and becoming a more disciplined writer. I feel as though I'm in a rut lately, and the only way to get out is going to be to fill my time accomplishing the things that I want to accomplish. Not waiting around for the perfect situation to come to me.

So here I go again!


  1. Yay, good luck! But you didn't specify when your birthday was. Do i have to go all the way to FB to find it? LOL!

  2. WHAT, you don't know my birthday?? Hahaha. It's June 9th -- so just a little over two months from now :)
