Saturday, March 20, 2010

Welcome, Spring!

Having grown up in upstate New York, I know that the vernal equinox can bring balmy weather, snow storms and everything in between. That's what I was overjoyed that today was absolutely gorgeous with high in the mid-70's and bright, sunny skies. Even though I probably should have spent the day inside planning for my trip, Frank and I decided to take full advantage of the weather while it lasted. I gave him a hair cut on the porch and we set out to take the dogs on a long hike. In the preserve, the bushes were just starting to get a tinge of green on them and you could hear red-winged blackbirds everywhere, which is a true sign of spring to me!

For dinner we decided to fire up the grill. We cooked scallops in a foil packet with wine, lemon and garlic, grilled asparagus marinated with olive oil and fig vinegar and grilled some parboiled potatoes with garlic salt. It may not have been the best meal calorie-wise, but it was all fresh, wholesome food and it was truly delicious!

Although today was overall a great day, there were a couple of things causing stress. First of all, my cell phone, an LG Vu, is broken. The touch screen is frozen up, so I can receive calls, but I can't get into my contacts, receive texts, send texts, get on to the internet, etc. I stopped in the AT&T store and although they aren't able to fix it, it is still covered under a warranty so if I call AT&T I can have a new one sent to me in 3-5 days. While I'm grateful for that, it still doesn't help me in the next couple of days. Once I make the call, I'll probably wind up switching my SIM card to my old phone so at least I can send and receive texts!

The second thing that has me worried and stressed is the fact that British Airways cabin crew are striking. As most of you know, I'm due to be leaving this Thursday for a trip to Barcelona and Paris guess which airline I'm flying? As of now my flight to Heathrow and the connecting flight to Barcelona are "Subject to Disruption" so I'm just praying that they won't get canceled. I have to call the airline tomorrow and see what my options are. For now, I'm just trying not to panic and going ahead with planning as if nothing was wrong.

Even though I ate relatively healthy all day, I didn't log my foods, so I have no clue how many calories were in my meals. I'm going to estimate for today. Still no more progress on the novel, but I'm driving Frank in to work tomorrow so that I can hole up in a Barnes and Nobel and add to my word count. Unlike my calories, it's easy to make up a 2,000 word deficit in one day!

Calories Consumed: ~1600
Calories Burned: 450
Words Written: 0

1 comment:

  1. Wow your day sounds awesome! Good food, good hike, etc! Sorry to hear about your phone though, and the airline? wtf! lol.
