Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Making Progress

Well, I don't know about a miraculous comeback, but so far, so good! I went for a walk by myself on Monday during lunch break and today I went with Judy which means I really had to work. Yesterday I ate really well with my only slip up being sharing the last of a chocolate Easter bunny with Frank just to get it out of the house. Today was a little tough because we had a family birthday party, but luckily they wound up ordering Subway for everyone, so that made it about as safe as a party thrown by Italians can be! I was tempted to get a foot long chicken breast with ranch dressing, but instead opted for a veggie flatbread, which was delicious! I did slip a little and have a cupcake for dessert, but considering I had eaten light all day and taken a long walk I think that I was OK.

I haven't weighted myself since before vacation, and at this point I think I'm going to wait until next Monday. That will give me a full week back on track so I'm not just looking at bloated water weight and I can get an idea of where I'm at.

Before the party this evening I ran to the grocery shop to pick up some food for the week and I think I did an alright job. I've felt so lost and confused when it comes to food lately -- I'm never sure what I should be eating and what's good or bad for me. There are so many conflicting studies and so many people giving advice for one fad or another that sometimes it's hard to see through all of it and know what's true. I've been trying to make a change gradually over to more natural, whole foods and away from processed crap. I'm also very gradually trying to incorporate organic foods into my diet as well, but it's tough. Organic food is so much more expensive that it often makes me hesitate and often makes me put something back on the shelf and pick up the non-organic alternative instead. But I'm going to keep trying to work options in where I can, because really, if you won't invest the money in your health and future, then where will you invest it?

Now I just have to get Frank on board ...

Writing has been going terribly -- well, I guess that's the wrong work, because really the writing has been non-existent. I think I'm trying to start too late at night, because I get comfortable and don't want to put the work in later in the evening. It's also a problem because we only have the one computer with internet, so if Frank is using it for something I don't want to just snatch it away from him to work on my writing. Even though I like the internet access for research and support, I think I might just have to force myself to start writing on the desktop computer. At least it's in a quiet room with few distractions.

Goals for tomorrow:
- Log all my food
- Go for a long walk at lunch time
- Sit down and write for one hour after dinner


  1. Its ok, I still hesitate on the organic stuff too, sometimes. I've just been trying to be a little better each time I go to the store and figure I'll get there eventually. ; )

  2. ugh yeah - its hard to find organic produce that isn't 10 dollars more than the non-organic alternative. We are trying too though. The main thing I think, is looking at the ingredients in what you're buying and avoid HFCS, modified, hydrgenated etc... You're doing great and I think its a very good idea to hold off on the weigh in. The other thing I was going to say is although its a splurge, you can get GREAT laptops for quite cheap prices... if internet is the problem, you can get a wireless router - which we recently added and its wonderful!
    Great Job Vicky! <3
