Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Beautiful Spring Day

What a beautiful day! I used to be neutral toward spring since summer is my true love, but I've really been enjoying it more and more every year. It's still been chilly at night, but the days have been so warm and beautiful, all the trees are putting out leaves and I can't wait for the frost to stop so I can get my garden in! By this weekend I should have some plants starting to come up.

Today was a great day health-wise. My Mom came and we went for a walk at lunch time, and I ate well all day. I did have a piece of bread with dinner that I hadn't planned for, but even with that I definitely ate less than 1500 calories, which combined with the walk I took should have me in a great net-calorie range.

Once again, I failed at my writing goals. I didn't write a single word of my novel! I need to get cracking if I'm going to finish by my birthday. But the good news is that I found out that my parents are buying a new lap top and they plan on letting us have their "old" one, which is still much faster than Frank's old Dell. So now I'll be able to snag the Dell for my writing and set it up in my office. Starting now, no excuses! Even though my "no sitting down until 6 PM" rule has been working amazingly, I think at least until I get into a more comfortable routine with my writing I need to make myself write something as soon as I get home from work.

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