Friday, September 2, 2011


They're so motivating. Especially when you miss one. Oops.

I've always done most of the work of writing in my head, which is helpful when you have little time to actually sit down and write, but as we've already established "Only Writing Counts As Writing," so before I knew it, it was September first and not a word of the moody vignette I had been mentally crafting had actually made it onto paper.

So last night, after a rather up tempo rendition of Goodnight Moon I settled down and banged out 500 words in about half an hour. Actually, it was probably closer to 1000 words originally, but I went back and made myself cut a lot of the chaff. While this did give me a lot of hope that I'll actually be able to do NaNoWriMo this year, it was also nice not to be working toward a word count.

I quickly got as far as I had made it with the "mental writing" and against my better judgement decided to quit for the night because I had a book calling my name from the bedroom. But tonight I'm going to hope for another smooth easy bedtime so that I can finish up the piece and submit it to the writing group only two days past our deadline. Maybe even early enough to get in a couple more chapters of my book.

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