Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, even if I haven't had time to update my blog this week, I've spent at least a little time writing. The baby took an exceptionally long nap on Sunday and I was able to duck into my office and bang out 1700 words before she woke up.

It wasn't an official project -- in fact, it seems a little silly, but I've been trying since she was about four weeks old to get down the story of my labor and delivery in as much excruciating detail as I can bear to recall. In the course of trying to cram in every detail, I've been surprised at how much I do remember when I put my mind to it and how much I came close to forgetting. I'm constantly going back and adding some little detail or adjusting the time-line. So even though it isn't anything that I'll likely share, I was very happy to have the chance to get some work done on it. Maybe someday the bambino will decide she wants to read it, after which she will likely decide that she never wants to have children. And I haven't even gotten to the part where I was yelling at Frank about how all I had really wanted was another dog, so why the hell was I doing all the work? Amazing how your hormones try to make you forget all that once you have a smiley, giggly little 6-month old.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to either wrap that project up soon or else I'll have to set it aside, because I have another deadline coming up. My friend went ahead and set up that writer's workshop I had mentioned in the last blog, and we've agreed to submit work on the first of each month. Gosh, that's coming up awfully fast already. Luckily, there's no hard and fast length requirement, and it's not like if I'm a day or two late I'll be kicked out, but it's amazing how that simple deadline can help with motivation. Now I just have to decide which of the ideas bubbling around in my mind that I want to pluck out and set to paper.

As for the healthy living end of things ... well, there's not a whole lot to report there. I do have some thoughts, but they'll have to wait for another blog. The pump calls.


  1. Haha, my favorite lines from this blog:
    1. And I haven't even gotten to the part where I was yelling at Frank about how all I had really wanted was another dog, so why the hell was I doing all the work?
    2. the pump calls
    Too funny! Love ya Vick!

  2. Perhaps you have written the story of the Babes birth so when you think you want another one you can remind YOURSELF what it was like. It could also be a great exercise to inform some fictional piece...have you noticed that while sex is often described in shockingly graphic detail in novels (and sometimes not...hello friendly line break) that child birth rarely is? Rarely. Chris Bohjalian's Midwives is the only one that comes to mind.... maybe you could add to the meagre cannon by fictionalizing your own experience in some story? Either way writing is writing and writing is what counts!
