Tuesday, August 9, 2011

There and Back Again

I remember reading an article with a list of tips for blog writing. Number one was: Never start off by mentioning how long it's been since you last post. I've stuck to that until now, but I feel like over a year of absence warrants some kind of explanation.

On June 6, 2010 I found out that I was pregnant. Since then, the world as I knew it has been shattered apart and put back together, with many priorities landing in different places -- some more surprising than others. Sadly, my two biggest priorities when it comes to this blog have been shoved pretty firmly to the bottom of the list. I'm hoping that than can begin to change now.

I've learned in the last 24 weeks that when it comes to being a parent, time is the greatest commodity. You're either waiting it out, battling against it and you're always longing for more. Time is what I need to meet my goals, and it's what I'm fighting for, starting today.

Given that I'm nursing, my options for health and fitness are limited, but in this case limited is far from non-existent. I can still make as many healthy eating options as possible and try to squeeze in exercise -- whether it's taking the stairs, parking farther away, or strapping the baby on for an early morning walk -- whenever I can. The most important thing is to not lose sight of my goals. They seem farther away now than ever, but this is not a race. I have the rest of my life to work toward them, and the goals of healthful living will never really be met, they'll only change and grow with me. I'm looking forward to the challenege!

"Writers write. Period." -- I remember reading this as the tag line of someone's blog a couple of years ago, and it's stayed with me. The statement is deceptively simple, and utterly true. Even if it's twenty minutes twice a week, even if it's from my smart phone in carpool, even if it's in my head while I'm changing the baby, I'm a writer and I must be writing. Right now, my goal is just to start carving out a little time to myself whenever I can and be constantly choosing action over apathy, something I battle in all aspects of my life.

And yes, it's been a while ... but I hope that you'll be seeing more of me from now on!


  1. Yay for an update!! I've been slacking on my blog too, I've been wanting to get back into it as well, not to mention the whole health/fitness thing ;) One thing I have to thank my tonsillectomy for is that I've lost like 7 lbs, hahaha. I was 203 this morning, come onnnnn sub 200's!!!

  2. I have a mantra taped over my desk at home, my desk at work and in my notebook. It says: Only Writing Counts as Writing. It is a similar idea to writers write and it is important!! It is in our blood!! But sometimes it takes a concentrated effort to actually write and not endlessly research or procrastinate in the name of writing. Oof. I can't even imagine the new level of challenges brought on by being a mom with a whole other person demanding pieces of your time. Goodluck and keep writing. I love to read what you write
