Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well Rounded

Today was quite a balancing act, but I’m happy because despite the day being busy, I was able to accomplish everything that I wanted to.

This is my busy time of year anyway, and that coupled with the fact that two of my bosses are going to be out tomorrow and one will be out for all next week too made my task list expand exponentially. Because of all this, the attendees of my permit approval meeting somehow unanimously decided that I was going to move my meeting up 24 hours to that afternoon. What? Is that even allowed? But I knew that if I didn’t want applicants hounding me all week that I’d better hustle my butt and get my applications together. Of course in the mean time I had other requests – some urgent enough to sidetrack me and about 20 that are now sitting on post-it notes until tomorrow – to divert my attention, but I’m happy to say that I finished up my meeting preparations and sent the agenda to the printed moments before the meeting began. Also, we finished up the meeting just at 4 o’clock – I love it when there’s exactly the right amount of day to match the work that you need to do! I felt like I had conquered the work day. I even got a really nice compliment about how attentive I was to my permits from the regional supervisor.

Even though I probably should have worked through lunch with the mess I had going, I went for a power walk with Judy and Carmen. It was a beautiful day and we walked from Broadway up to Lark Street, through the concourse and looped back down. Even though I was huffing and puffing, I was pleased that I got my workout in. I’m pretty sure that I got a boost of whatever chemical I needed to get me through the rest of the day too.

I got home and had about 45 minutes before Frank got home and I knew we had to go grocery shopping, so I relaxed outside and read on my deck in the sunshine. I’m reading Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann – it’s a little slow and the prose is a bit heavy-handed for my tastes, but I’m enjoying the plot so far so I’ll stick with it and see where it goes.

Even though I was exhausted from grocery shopping and we didn’t get back home until close to 8 o’clock, instead of swinging through a fast food drive-thru or gobbling down something easy but not so healthy, I stuck to the plan for dinner. We had baked parch with broccoli and brown rice – delicious, although the next time I make perch I’ll leave it in the oven just a little bit longer.

So now that dinner is over and even though my bed has been calling me since around 9 o’clock, I’m sitting down to write to you all and now I’m off to spend some time -- at least 500 words worth of time – with At Setting. It’s been a long day, but I feel once again like I’ve conquered the day.

1 comment:

  1. so proud of your day. i hope you can have more days like these. I think of you a lot, I wish you lived closer so I could be a better friend. love you!
