Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm up early this morning and for once I decided to put my writing goals ahead of my fitness goals. It also doesn't hurt that my iPod is out of juice so I'm charging it in anticipation of my workout once I'm finished here.

I hit a rough patch at the beginning of this week, but I'm proud to say that it didn't veer me off course with my exercising and eating. It did make me pretty sad and frustrated though. I guess we all have our moments where we let our self-doubts and the pressure from some imaginary course we're supposed to be on get to us too much. Some days I feel happy and really content with my life, but a lot of the time I'm struggling every day with feelings of not having accomplished enough in the last twenty-seven years and of severe hatred for my body. Even though I struggle with these daily I can usually overcome them, but every once in a while it breaks through and I have a rotten couple of days. Luckily, I'm always able to pull through thanks in large part to some wonderful, thoughtful friends who always seem to lift me up. I'm thankful I got through this bump in the road and hopefully it will be a while before I have another one. In the meantime, I've decided that I need to make a better effort to work on my terrible self-esteem, so I'm going to check out a book that a friend recommended to me and see how things go. Just one more thing to work toward to make a better, happier me!

This is a pretty quiet holiday weekend for Frank and I. We had planned to go away to Vermont to visit an old friend of mine for the weekend, but Frank got stuck working second shift for a couple of nights so we had to postpone. We were invited to a pot-luck picnic thrown by a family friend yesterday and we had a really great time. In anticipation of all the wonderful food that I knew would be there, I got up early yesterday and did an hour of cardio on the treadmill and an hour and a half of strength training with my balance ball. All in all, I burned 1,055 calories, so I was pleased. I'm sure I ate way more than that at the picnic, but we didn't wind up having dinner so I'm hoping it will all be okay in the end! I will say though that my eyes were much bigger than my stomach - after eating all that delicious food, all I felt was sick!

Today and tomorrow we don't really have anything planned yet. Frank has to work this evening from four until midnight, so I'm letting him sleep in a little. I'm hoping today that I'll be able to mow the lawn and maybe take the dogs for a walk in the nature preserve for some extra exercise. Tomorrow, I'd like to break out the canoe and take it out for the first time this season! It should be a beautiful day for some paddling!

Well, my to-do list is growing in the back of my head and it's heating up outside so I'd better sign off and get started with my day!

1 comment:

  1. haha i know what you mean about the to-do list building up... I need to get off this computer! But AWESOME for you with how well you've been doing lately! I hope you don't beat me at our weigh-in tomorrow! (although you TOTALLY deserve to because you've been doing way way better than me. lol).
