Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I'm not huge on making resolutions because I know they just beg to be broken, but like the rest of the world, I can't help but think of goals I want to accomplish in the upcoming year while it's still all new and shiny. And in contemplating what I'd like to achieve in 2012 I had to laugh at myself, because it's exactly what this blog was founded on:

I'd like to write.

I'd like to lose weight.

Oh sure, there are a million other things that I'd like to accomplish, I'd like to hike more and read more, find a more fulfilling job, be a better wife and get my kid to sleep through the night. But more than anything else, I want to end 2012 weighing under 200 pounds and with a completed first draft of At Setting.

Since I found out I was pregnant, I feel like I just threw my goals out the window. I was going on an exciting new adventure into motherhood! Everything was going to change and look nothing like it did before and I would probably be so engrossed in reading baby blogs and parenting a genius child that I wouldn't care that my projects (my novel, my self) were lying half finished at the edge of my consciousness. I didn't necessarily WANT these things, mind you, I just thought they were inevitable. Well, I'm happy to say that they weren't. The way my day-to-day life looks changed drastically, but I think that I myself changed very little. I'm still Vicky, not "Laura's Mom". What a beautiful relief. However, now it's time to pick up those old goals, dust them off and cram them into my new life however they'll fit.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful relief, indeed. :) I love your writing, you are so good at it! Ahhh I want to come visit you in Leeds so bad! I need to start playing the lottery, lol! But yes, lets make 2012 the year of action, rather than the year of dreaming!
