Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I'm not huge on making resolutions because I know they just beg to be broken, but like the rest of the world, I can't help but think of goals I want to accomplish in the upcoming year while it's still all new and shiny. And in contemplating what I'd like to achieve in 2012 I had to laugh at myself, because it's exactly what this blog was founded on:

I'd like to write.

I'd like to lose weight.

Oh sure, there are a million other things that I'd like to accomplish, I'd like to hike more and read more, find a more fulfilling job, be a better wife and get my kid to sleep through the night. But more than anything else, I want to end 2012 weighing under 200 pounds and with a completed first draft of At Setting.

Since I found out I was pregnant, I feel like I just threw my goals out the window. I was going on an exciting new adventure into motherhood! Everything was going to change and look nothing like it did before and I would probably be so engrossed in reading baby blogs and parenting a genius child that I wouldn't care that my projects (my novel, my self) were lying half finished at the edge of my consciousness. I didn't necessarily WANT these things, mind you, I just thought they were inevitable. Well, I'm happy to say that they weren't. The way my day-to-day life looks changed drastically, but I think that I myself changed very little. I'm still Vicky, not "Laura's Mom". What a beautiful relief. However, now it's time to pick up those old goals, dust them off and cram them into my new life however they'll fit.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

So This Is The New Year

Some of my friends have updated their blogs with a "Year in Review" type post and it inspired me to do the same. 2011 was a big year -- I hope I can remember everything! Thank goodness for my Google Calendar. Here's a summary, month by month.

January - I rang in the new year at my in-law's house. Somehow, despite the fact that I was almost 9 months pregnant, I was the only one who stayed awake until midnight. Frank and I took a birthing class as the hospital --I later wound up giving birth in the same room that we toured in that class. I had an eye check up because Midge ate my glasses. The Patriots clinched the playoffs and then suffered a devastating loss to the Jets in the first round. We found out that miraculously my cousin Sarah who had been trying for years was pregnant! As soon as I found out I just knew she would have the same gender baby that I did. I had a feeling they would both be girls. Also found out my friend Allison was pregnant with her second. Stephanie came down to spend the weekend and we did a lot of cleaning and cooked a bunch of meals for the freezer. I had my baby shower at work.

February - Early in the month Frank bought a picked up his Fiesta. I took a Civil Service exam 10 days before my due date (and got a 95, thankyouverymuch). I took a breastfeeding class at the hospital and started maternity leave. Stephanie went to California to see Bobby home from Afghanistan. My due date came and went. Frank and I went out for our customary Valentine's Day sushi. I enjoyed my last week of freedom and relaxation for probably the next 15 or so years. The day of my sister's baby shower (which I wisely skipped) I went into labor and the next day, February 20th, as Steph flew back across the country, I delivered my sweet Laura Violet. Life changed in ways that, despite years of preparation, I could not have anticipated. The rest of the month was a sweet blur of learning and love.

March - I slowly gained my footing as a mother. Frank returned to work. We celebrated St. Patrick's day with my family. I left Laura for the first time to go to a belated birthday dinner with Frank -- in a restaurant that didn't get cell phone service. We all survived and Frank and I enjoyed a lovely meal, complete with a Super Moon. I ventured from the house with Laura by myself for the first time for a playdate with Kyla, Scarlett and Hadley at Colonie Center. I started the Farseer Trilogy, and actually was able to read quite a bit while Laura napped or nursed. My Mom, who came down at least once a week throughout my maternity leave left for South Carolina. My Dad baby sat while I went into the dentist after a filling fell out. My dear friend Hayle found out that her beloved mutt, Brisby, had cancer and had to be put to sleep.

April - We took Laura to a charity spaghetti dinner with my extended family. I took Laura into work. I took Laura to meet Mim. I took Laura to visit Eleanore. My nephew was born on the 11th. I had my follow up OB visit and everything was all clear. Steph came down to spend a couple of days and baby sat while I took the animals to the vet. We had Easter at Uncle Sam's. Allison found out that she was having another boy. We met with Felicia, who would soon because our beloved babysitter, for the first time. Hayle came up for the weekend to meet Laura.

May - Sarah found out she was having a girl (I love it when I'm right)! I started back to work one day per week while my Mom babysat. I celebrated my very first Mother's Day. Laura had very first weekend at camp Memorial Day weekend, followed by her first day with Felicia that Tuesday. I went back to work three days per week. We went to KerriAnn's Prom walk in. Sarah P came to visit and meet Laura.

June - We went with my parents to the village-wide garage sale in the tiny village that my Mom grew up in. She loved showing off the baby. Frank and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary at the Melting Pot and I celebrated my 29th birthday with my cousins at the Barge. Bobby came home to visit. The cousins met to start planning Sarah's baby shower. We celebrated my youngest cousin graduating from high school. We got Central Air installed, and thank goodness because it was a hot summer.

July - I went to NYC for an amazing day with Hayle and Becky (and my pump). I left Laura overnight for the first time on a work trip; we all survived. It was amazing to get a solid night's sleep!

August - Laura was baptized and Steph and Ralph were officially named Godparents. Kate and I started a writing workshop to share out work. I did another overnight for work. Laura turned 6 months. We had Sarah's baby shower. My Mom and I took Laura to the Schaghticoke fair. We set up our very own camper at camp -- the same one that my parents had used when I was a baby.

September - We had professional family portraits taken. Laura attended her first clam steam. We survived Hurricane Irene with only 12 hours of power loss, although there were tons of trees down out back. I attended Nick and Melissa's wedding, Heather's Baby Shower and Chrissy and Len's wedding. Stephanie got mono. We helped her celebrate her 30th birthday at Bomber's where we met her new boyfriend, who I instantly liked. Allison's son Gavin Ryan and Sarah's daughter Karyn Rose were born! I was able to visit Sarah in the hospital. Karyn had so much hair, almost as much as Laura!

October - Kate came to visit and meet Laura! Sarah P. came to visit again with Lulu and Zeppelin. Laura had her first trip to NYC to visit Aunt Hayle. I went to KerriAnn's fashion show. Steph and Josh came down to watch football with us. Steph and I went to see Weird Al in concert. Laura was an Octopus for Halloween and we visited Eleanore, my work, Frank's work and Steph's work (with cousin Karyn).

November - Went to a jewelry party at Tiff's. We celebrated Laura's first Thanksgiving.

December - Frank's boss scared me to death by calling me and saying that he was in the ER with chest pains. Thank God it was only a torn trapezius muscle. Steph and I had another successful Bake Fest (we made a little over 500 cookies, plus nut candies). Bobby came home for Christmas. We celebrated Laura's first Christmas. I finally finished the Tawny Man Trilogy (remember I started the books in March), with much bawling.

Whew! Writing all that out makes me realize what a busy year we've had! I had intended to come up with some resolutions, but I think I'll have to save that for another post on another day. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

And Exercise

Day one with no sweets went surprisingly smoothly. It helped that it was a long day at work and I was a single parent for the night, so there wasn't a lot of time to mess up. I also started logging my calories on Livestrong again, and joined a 90 Day Challenge group on a certain beloved social news site that I frequent, so I think I may finally be pulling myself up out of the quagmire of fatness that I've wallowed into. Here's hoping!

I want to thank you, readers, for your comments on my "Diet" blog. Some kind of sweeter flavored tea is a really good idea, since it fills you up and takes some time to drink. Even more helpful now that I'm cutting out carby sweets! Also, the idea of re-structuring my meals is something that really makes a lot of sense to me. I've been thinking about a lot the last couple of days. I'm still going to have to sit down and figure out calorie-wise the best way I can do that. I really like the late morning oatmeal combined with a later lunch idea, so once I finally go grocery shopping, I'd like to start that. And yes, it is hard to clear my house of readily available snacks the way that Frank is, but I'm going to keep working it ... even if it does come down to a padlock! But I'm hoping I can exercise more self-restraint than that. Maybe.

Today, I've been thinking about the other half of that magical weight loss formula of "Diet and Exercise." Exercise has been such a problem for me lately. For starters, I'm by far the most out of shape I've ever been in my entire life. My body is just not capable of doing much at all in terms of physical activity now. My knees ache sometimes and I know it's just because I have the extra weight. My poor body is protesting and I need to do something to get it functioning properly again!

The trouble has been fitting in workouts. Now, obviously some of it is me making excuses, but a lot of it is also legitimate scheduling issues. The exercise plan that I was most loyal to was using my lunch hour to go for a long walk (~3 miles) along the Hudson River. Unfortunately, since I'm still pumping breast milk three times per day, that eats up my lunch hour and then some. Hopefully I'll be able to start my walks again by spring, but I really need to get started before then. Work days are honestly shot -- I get up early and run around getting the baby fed, dressed and packed up for the baby sitter, get the dogs fed and let out, get my own lunch and stuff for work packed, dress myself and go running out the door 15 minutes late. With work and my 45 minute each way commute, I pick up the baby and get home around 5:30. I try to get a snack and spend some time quality with the munchkin until Frank gets home and then usually run around preparing dinner for me and Frank and the baby, feeding the baby and myself, cleaning up from dinner and washing up bottles and whatnot to get ready for the next day. Then it's tubby time, bedtime stories and nursing the baby to sleep. By the time that's all finished it's usually 8-8:30 PM and the last thing in the entire world I want to do is fire up the treadmill. Usually I'm asleep myself by no later than 9:30, and I try to use that little time for reading, writing or occasionally just chilling on the couch and watching some TV and spending time with my husband.

So that's my life four days per week. Does anyone see any ideas in there for getting a work out? Or should I just commit myself to getting a workout done on the weekends and Wednesdays and hope that that's enough? I'm loathe to give up any sleep time (since I'm still doing feedings at least twice per night) or any time the precious little time I get with her during days I work. It's so frustrating to want to do something but just not have the time in the day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cold Turkey

I always hate it when people say, regarding their food addiction, "well, it's not like alcohol or drugs -- you need food to survive!"

Yes, humans need FOOD to survive, but I don't think "food" includes cookies or brownies or muffins or cake. Which is why I decided that it's time for me to give this stuff up, at least for a while. The challenge I'm setting forth for myself, starting today, is no sweets until Thanksgiving. I just need to break my sugar cravings and I think just stopping completely is the only thing that's going to do it.

Of course, there's all those grey areas -- is sugar in my coffee sweets? Are my organic Maple & Pecan granola bars with flax sweets? For now, I'm going to allow these things with the intention that they too will be weaned out. Effective immediately will be all those things listed above, all of which I indulge in way too much.

I might make a possible pre-meditated exception for a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie, just because it's that time of year, but that's only if I don't slip up before then.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I feel like the blog has been focused on writing a lot, so I thought I'd made a post about the other half of this blog's inspiration -- health.

Lately, I've been making a real effort to squeeze in time for the things that I love, i.e., writing and reading. And at the same time, I've been making excuse after excuse when it comes to health and fitness: I'm still nursing so I can't diet. That doesn't, however, mean that I need to eat everything I see. I can't take my walks at lunch time, which was always my preferred exercise, since I'm pumping -- but that doesn't mean that I have to give up all physical activity. I'll swear I'm giving up all sweets and processed foods after [The Annual Clam Steam/Nick and Melissa's Wedding/The Garlic Festival/et cetera ad nauseum]. I need to freaking STOP lying to myself and make some real commitments.

We all know that it comes down to diet and exercise. Which one is more important is something that I see debated frequently, but personally, I feel like diet is going to be the angle that's easier for me to tackle at this point in my life, although I'd like to have a game plan for both. I think I'll dedicate this blog to diet and then later this week talk about exercise.

So. What I'd like to be eating:

My morning smoothie (non-fat yogurt, skim milk, a banana, frozen raspberries and flax seeds)
Healthy cereals with skim milk (making sure to exercise portion control)
Oatmeal with raspberries and raw honey
Homemade Granola with skim milk or non-fat yogurt
Eggs, turkey bacon and whole grain toast with Burmmel and Brown.
LESS: muffins, second helpings of cereal, morning sweet tooth fixes, Dunkin Donuts

Healthy Leftovers
Amy's Organic Burritos
Broth-based low-sodium Soups
Kashi Frozen Entrees
Salads with protein
LESS: Processed frozen entrees, fast food, lunching in downtown Albany

Fresh Fruits
Cut up Veggies
String Cheese
Hard Boiled Eggs
Air-Popped Popcorn
LESS: processed snacks, sweets, carby crap

Home-cooked healthy meals with whole grains, lean proteins and lots of veggies, especially ones that I can make big batches of for lunches and leftovers.
Less: Take-out, processed frozen dinners, seconds.

On the surface, this looks deceptively easy. I love all the things that I should be eating! I know they fill me and make me feel good. I have two big problems that I need to figure out solutions to:

1. Since grade school, I have a time of day that I have serious binging issues -- the "After School" period, from when I get home from work until dinner time, I feel like my stomach is a cavernous pit that cannot be satiated. Oftentimes by the time I am done snacking during that period, I'm too full for dinner, but since I cook for Frank, I usually wind up eating with him anyway because I feel guilty. How can I stop wanting to eat everything in sight when I get home from work?

2. I feel like, while all the food I listed is delicious and good for me, I'm missing something. Specifically after lunch, I get cravings for something sweet and/or carby like cookies or pretzels. What can I eat to fulfill these cravings while still staying on track? Or should I try to hold out and kill the cravings?

Let me know if you have any suggestions for solutions to my problems or any good dinner recipes to share!

Friday, September 2, 2011


They're so motivating. Especially when you miss one. Oops.

I've always done most of the work of writing in my head, which is helpful when you have little time to actually sit down and write, but as we've already established "Only Writing Counts As Writing," so before I knew it, it was September first and not a word of the moody vignette I had been mentally crafting had actually made it onto paper.

So last night, after a rather up tempo rendition of Goodnight Moon I settled down and banged out 500 words in about half an hour. Actually, it was probably closer to 1000 words originally, but I went back and made myself cut a lot of the chaff. While this did give me a lot of hope that I'll actually be able to do NaNoWriMo this year, it was also nice not to be working toward a word count.

I quickly got as far as I had made it with the "mental writing" and against my better judgement decided to quit for the night because I had a book calling my name from the bedroom. But tonight I'm going to hope for another smooth easy bedtime so that I can finish up the piece and submit it to the writing group only two days past our deadline. Maybe even early enough to get in a couple more chapters of my book.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, even if I haven't had time to update my blog this week, I've spent at least a little time writing. The baby took an exceptionally long nap on Sunday and I was able to duck into my office and bang out 1700 words before she woke up.

It wasn't an official project -- in fact, it seems a little silly, but I've been trying since she was about four weeks old to get down the story of my labor and delivery in as much excruciating detail as I can bear to recall. In the course of trying to cram in every detail, I've been surprised at how much I do remember when I put my mind to it and how much I came close to forgetting. I'm constantly going back and adding some little detail or adjusting the time-line. So even though it isn't anything that I'll likely share, I was very happy to have the chance to get some work done on it. Maybe someday the bambino will decide she wants to read it, after which she will likely decide that she never wants to have children. And I haven't even gotten to the part where I was yelling at Frank about how all I had really wanted was another dog, so why the hell was I doing all the work? Amazing how your hormones try to make you forget all that once you have a smiley, giggly little 6-month old.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to either wrap that project up soon or else I'll have to set it aside, because I have another deadline coming up. My friend went ahead and set up that writer's workshop I had mentioned in the last blog, and we've agreed to submit work on the first of each month. Gosh, that's coming up awfully fast already. Luckily, there's no hard and fast length requirement, and it's not like if I'm a day or two late I'll be kicked out, but it's amazing how that simple deadline can help with motivation. Now I just have to decide which of the ideas bubbling around in my mind that I want to pluck out and set to paper.

As for the healthy living end of things ... well, there's not a whole lot to report there. I do have some thoughts, but they'll have to wait for another blog. The pump calls.